Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Next Black Plague.


By now you have probably heard of it. The nasty incurable disease spreading like wildfire in Africa, killing over 3,000 people. Symptoms ranging from fever, vomiting, to bleeding and severe pain. It's enough to make you shudder. But the good thing is, its only found in Africa and nowhere else right?

Well, that would be a somewhat comforting thought if people hadn't decided to bring it to the United States. I'm all for helping people. It's the right thing to do. However, I think it is very irresponsible for the Aid Workers to be brining back a deadly disease so that everyone here can get infected.

I guess blame shouldn't all be laid on the Aid Workers, but rather the people who made the decision to let them come back here. I'm no rocket scientist, but somehow bringing a sickness with no known cure, that has never ever been found here, to here, seems like a really dumb move. Regardless of who has it, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

Now a guy in Texas, who went to Liberia and handled Ebola patients, is infected and walked around for days carrying the nasty disease before being admitted. The Workers who decided to go to Africa are in hospitals in several states being treated. An NBC Reporter is also being treated. And now, a Nurse in Spain has come down with it. (And they say they've decided not to shut down air travel. Yep, great idea.)

Of course, there is the question of whether it is right to deny a U.S. Citizen treatment in the U.S. Sorry, but these people knew the risks when they went to offer help. They knew how awful the disease was, and still decided it was their duty to lend a hand. While that is all well and good, they also have a duty to the other people who do NOT have the disease. I do not believe they should have been allowed back here. It was their personal decision to put themselves in harms way. They have no right to endanger millions of healthy people.

At the very least, if they had to bring them back here, they should have found some top secrete high security facility to treat these people in, not allowing anyone in or out until they were POSITIVE no one else was carrying Ebola.

Rules should be enforced for people coming out of these places infected with Ebola as well. No one should be allowed back here until after the 21 day incubation period is past and they are showing no symptoms. Whatever it takes to keep this from spreading.

The health officials are telling us that Ebola cannot be spread by the air, so it's not as easily caught as the cold or flu, and therefore they are confident they can easily contain it. Now there are reports of the Spanish nurse being infected with it. A Nurse, trained in how to handle herself with diseases like this and how to keep herself from being contaminated and she still has it. My point? If a trained professional caught it that easily, how much easier is it going to be for common untrained people to catch it and spread it? The way things are looking, I can see Ebola easily becoming the next Black Plague.

The solution? Well, the way things are going now, I say dig a giant underground hole, seal the entrance and pray God puts an end to this epidemic. Then we can emerge in about twenty years and hope we aren't faced with post-apocalyptic conditions.

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