How often do you see problems stem from anger? If you look closely-and often times you don't even have to look that close-you will see that many different issues (mostly in relationships) spring up from that hard-to-kill root. And pretty soon, it can grow into something that is very difficult, and yes, even occasionally impossible to fix.
The Bible has much to say about being angry, and a lot of it is how we aren't supposed to get angry. Don't get me wrong; there are good reasons to get mad. Jesus showed us that when he overturned tables in the temple and sternly rebuke the Devil. But a lot of the things we get angry over are, let's face it, stupid and unnecessary. Let's look at some verses.
"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit, than he that takes a city." ~Proverbs 16:32
We all know how we adore our heroes. Those people that rescue helpless victims and do various other great acts. But the Bible makes it clear that the people who practice self control are even more admirable than Spiderman.
Let's keep looking:
"He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly." ~Proverbs 14:29Obviously here, Solomon says if you are slow to be angry then you are very wise. If you are quick to be angry, then you're stupid. Pretty blunt, huh?
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." ~James 19:20
Hmm, it seems if our wrath does not work the righteousness of God, then we must be doing something wrong right? I don't have time to list the verses about how we are to be like God, but you know there are quite a few. :)
"Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil." ~Psalm 37:8
"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." ~Romans 12:21
"Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath" ~Ephesians 4:26These are direct commands. God is telling us NOT to be angry, and to be keep ourselves away from evil and sin. Clearly, unrighteous anger leads to evil and is therefore, sinful.
There are many ways anger acts as a poison. Not only can it poison people around us. but ourselves as well.
"Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go." ~Proverbs 22:24
Here Solomon tells us not to associate with people who get angry easily. I'm going to guess it is because they are likely to get very angry with us quite frequently, and their angry tendencies could rub off on us with time.
So I want to challenge you all to think before you get angry. Stop and ask yourself if what you are about to get upset about is worth it.
Are the words that are about to pass your lips words that will harm, do damage, work evil?
Are you getting angry because you think the other person deserves it, in other words, to satisfy a sinful feeling?
Are you yelling at someone for something they have no control over, for something that is not their fault?
Are you holing a grudge, not letting go of something in the past?
If the answer is yes to any of these, take steps to ensure you can soon answer "no". If you feel yourself getting angry, take a breath and walk away from the situation so you can calm down. Ask others to hold you accountable for your actions, someone who will remind you when you are/have lost your temper in a sinful way. Talk to your Pastor about it if you have problems you feel you cant fix on your own. And of course, ask God to give you the power to control your temper. Even in a situation when you feel things are starting to escalate, pause an quickly ask him to help you.
Are we going to succeed every time? No. No one is perfect. But be sure to ask forgiveness of the people around you who may have been effected by your anger. Don't sit and do nothing.
Ask God to give you the antidote for this poison, and you will be the better for it.
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