Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Best Blogging Buddies Award!

Well, it seems I have been nominated for the Best Blogging Buddies Award! :P Rules are very simple:

1). You must make a post to show your award on your main blog.

2). You must tag the person who nominated you in your post.

3). You must nominate all of your best buddies, and those whom you want to become best buddies with, who, to your knowledge, have not been nominated, for this award.

4). You must ask your buddies at least 15 questions on your post.

5). You must answer all of the questions your buddies ask you. On your post.

Ok, so before I answer the questions, I shall make it known that Ginny from nominated me for this prestigious award. ;D

And now, for the answers to her questions:

1). Sweet tea or Lemonade? 

2). What's your favorite era?
Uh...don't have one.

3). French Fries or Onion Rings?
French Fries. :)

4). What's your favorite band?
That is seriously hard!! OK, fav. Country Band probably Florida Georgia Line, but I also likes lots of other bands of other music types so choosing one single solo favorite is impossible.

5).Which is worse? Having a sore throat or stuffy nose? 
Um.....sore throat.

6). What's your favorite NFL team? 
Sorry, don't like Football.

7). Cream cheese or cottage cheese?
CREAM CHEESE!!!!!!!!!! (brown sugar and cinnamon cream cheese is amazing.

8). Crab or Shrimp?
If I had to choose, shrimp, but I don't really like either.

9). History or Science?
Probably Science, if it was animal related.

10). Leading or Following?
Following. I am a helpless follower. I aspire to be a leader, but so far it has slipped from my grasp.

11). Beef or Pork?
Beef. Less parasites.

12). Pencil or Pen?
Does a mechanical Pencil count? Its both rolled into one. XD

13). Pizza or Fried Chicken?

14). Divergent or The Fault In Our Stars?
DIVERGENT. Hands down.

15). Flip flops or Sandals?
Flip Flops.

I nominate for the Award:

Anya Becca:

Here are my questions:

1. Pink or Purple
2. Winter or Summer
3. Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia (yes I'm evil :P)
4. Country Music or Rock/Heavy Metal
5. Ice Cream or Yogurt.
6. If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you want to accomplish most
7. Typing or Handwriting
8. Sleeping in your bed or in a tent
9. Divergent or Hunger Games
10. Would you rather have curly or straight hair
11. What is the latest you've ever stayed up
12. What state do you want to visit most
13. Would you rather visit the 7 wonders of the world or hang with a favorite movie star
14. If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would it be
15. Swimming or Trampoline

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