I am sure you have probably heard the story of 29 year-old Brittany Maynard, who was sick with terminal brain cancer. Upon being told there was no cure for her disease, she chose to select a date for when she would die.
And two days ago she did, with the aid of lethal drugs.
Her argument was that she wanted to go with "dignity" and that is was her life, and she had the right to choose what to do with it. It's true her disease was horrible. She suffered from head and neck pain, and was taking seizures. Her death would not be a gentle one. Many people say she was brave, not afraid of death, and are applauding her choice.
I say, it was not brave. It was a cowards act. It was in defiance of God. It's a sad day when we can stand around and watch someone kill themselves and then applaud them afterwards.
If she had truly been brave, she would have taken things one day at a time, saying; "Ok God, this is what you have chosen for me. I don't understand it. It's going to be hard. Give me the strength to trust you in this."
But she didn't.
If we can excuse this kind of behavior then we can easily excuse killing mentally ill people because their quality of life isn't "as good as ours" or we can kill the elderly because they'll die soon anyway and it'll be kinder for them. And we can excuse killing babies because they're unwanted, or going to live with a birth defect. We can excuse any kind of murder.
This is the world in which we live. We have made ourselves gods, deciding to take life whenever it suits us, as if they are worth absolutely nothing.
Well, guess what? Our lives are not our own. We have no right to decide when we die. We are not the masters of our souls. God is.
This is something we nee to fight. And I don't mean stand in our homes or our churches and say; "That was wrong of her to do."
I mean
fight by saying we are not going to stand for this anymore. We are going to teach our kids to follow God and bring them up with His word, and train them to resist giving in to the beliefs of our heathen culture. Because if we don't, we are going to destroy ourselves. We are already on a path to self destruction, and it is only when we make God Lord over all, that this clock will stop.